Kontakion 1
O holy Father, called from your native land to the distant shores of the New World, you took up your cross and followed after Christ. Wherefore, as to one who has crucified himself on behalf of his flock, as to our faithful guardian and protector, we fervently cry:
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Ikos 1
You began your life in exile, O holy Father Raphael. Child of pious Orthodox parents, successor to the holy hieromartyr Joseph, even in your mother’s womb you enjoyed no repose. Thus was your life of travel mystically foretold. You were chosen to bring the light of holy Orthodoxy to the scattered flock of Christ in the New World, who together with us honor you in these words of praise:
Rejoice, you who like your Master were born in a city not your own;
Rejoice, recipient of the name of the great Archangel.
Rejoice, you who said, "Man meant it to me for evil, but God for good;"
Rejoice, you who were anointed with the blood of the martyrs.
Rejoice, you who traversed the world in ministry to the faithful;
Rejoice, you who led all men to the worship of the Holy Trinity.
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Kontakion 2
A fervent student, from your youth you dedicated yourself to acquiring knowledge of the truth. Excelling in your studies, you did not despair when your father in his poverty could no longer afford to send you to school. But turning yourself to prayer and to the protection of the holy Archangel, you continually cried:
Ikos 2
Hearing your prayers and ardent sighs, God raised up for you an earthly patron who successfully interceded with the Patriarch to accept you as a student. Wherefore, as to one who in true humility was exalted by the hand of God, we joyfully cry:
Rejoice, you who in your poverty learned true humility;
Rejoice, you who in your distress turned yourself to your heavenly Patron.
Rejoice, you who were exalted to become a shepherd of Christ’s rational flock;
Rejoice, you who having been exalted humbled yourself to search for the lost sheep.
Rejoice, consoler of the afflicted;
Rejoice, defender of the downtrodden.
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Kontakion 3
Continuing your education, your tender soul was nourished by the riches of patristic theology. Plumbing the depths of Holy Scripture, you were instructed by the Holy Spirit. And you showed yourself to be a worthy proclaimer of the Holy Gospel, teaching all to sing:
Ikos 3
The words of the Apostle who was baptized in the town of your fathers resounded in your ears: "How shall they believe in Him of Whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" You could not forget your own people, living in your homeland and scattered throughout the world, but raised your voice, enlightening them with the Light of Christian Truth. Taught by your words and instructed by your example, the faithful thankfully celebrate your memory and sing:
Rejoice, you who excelled in learning and thereby astonished the wise of this world;
Rejoice, you who grieved over the ignorance of the people.
Rejoice, you who with Orthodox doctrine instructed those seeking salvation;
Rejoice, you who did not disgrace this teaching by your manner of life.
Rejoice, you who were patient and gentle with the weak and suffering;
Rejoice, you who like your Master were firm with the obstinate.
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Kontakion 4
Not content with your knowledge of Scripture and the holy Fathers, you continued your education in the land of Russia. Like the Apostle Andrew, traveling to the ancient city of Kiev, you exclaimed:
Ikos 4
Receiving the grace of the priesthood, you were appointed the head of the Antiochian metochion in Moscow. Seeing in this the hand of God, you accepted this new position as an opportunity to do good to others. Never thinking of yourself but always of your people, you brought many from Syria to Russia to be instructed in theology. Wherefore, the faithful
Rejoiced and justly honoring your labors, magnified you thus:
Rejoice, you who renounced all care for yourself;
Rejoice, you who concerned yourself only with the cares of others.
Rejoice, for freely you received and freely you gave;
Rejoice, you who begat many children for the Church of Christ.
Rejoice, protection of the poor;
Rejoice, ardent haven for widows and orphans in their affliction.
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Kontakion 5
Hearing of your labors and love for your people, the children of Antioch in America petitioned you to come to the New World to pastor them in their place of immigration. You received their words as a divine invitation, knowing them to be scattered, deprived of spiritual consolation. Journeying therefore from the East to the West, you poured yourself into the life-sustaining prayers of the Church, and through them, found the guidance and inspiration to gather the lost sheep to which you were being sent, ever chanting:
Ikos 5
Upon your arrival, you devoted yourself to the ministry you had been given, establishing a holy place in which to offer prayers on behalf of the people. You furnished the entire chapel of your own substance, offering it without cost to the faithful. Together with them, remembering your holy example, we glorify God for bringing you to this land and honor you with these words:
Rejoice, for your dedication equaled that of the Apostles;
Rejoice, for your perseverance was a gift of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, you who have won the heights through humility;
Rejoice, you who have acquired riches through poverty.
Rejoice, you who cared for the helpless;
Rejoice, you who distributed your own funds to the poor.
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Kontakion 6
Living among the people, they became witnesses of how devoutly and justly and blamelessly you acted among them, exhorting, comforting and charging everyone as a father does his own children. Truly, through you the word of the Gospel came in power and in the Holy Spirit with much assurance, so that the faithful became followers of you and of the Lord, chanting joyfully:
Ikos 6
News of small communities of Orthodox Christians began to reach you. Hearing their call, "Come and help us," you decided to make the first of many missionary journeys. Traveling from the East Coast to the West, you stayed in no place for more than four days. Finding Orthodox Christians, you administered the holy Mysteries and preached the Word of God to the spiritually hungry. Receiving you as if you were Christ Himself, the faithful welcomed you with words such as these:
Rejoice, Bringer of new Life to many children through holy baptism;
Rejoice, Giver of the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit through anointing with Chrism.
Rejoice, Restorer of penitents to the holy Church through the mystery of Confession;
Rejoice, Uniter of spouses together in the Lord.
Rejoice, worthy Celebrant of the divine Liturgy;
Rejoice, fiery Proclaimer of pastoral theology.
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Kontakion 7
Having been spiritually formed by the Church’s cycle of prayers, you prepared liturgical texts for use by your people. Bringing them true consolation in the divine prayers, you taught them to sing:
Ikos 7
Seeing the need of the scattered Orthodox people for true pastoral ministry, you devoted yourself to finding priests to care for their souls. Bringing priests from the Old World to America and recommending faithful men for ordination, you accepted the spiritual welfare of your people as your only concern. Accept therefore from us such praises as these:
Rejoice, beacon of Orthodoxy;
Rejoice, golden trumpet of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, new Paul, who took upon yourself the burden of care for the churches;
Rejoice, new John, who commanded all men to love one another.
Rejoice, new Juvenal, who desired everywhere to preach the holy Gospel;
Rejoice, new Herman, who always cared for the least of the brethren.
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Kontakion 8
When the holy hierarch and confessor Tikhon was sent to America, you received him as the true shepherd of the flock of Orthodox Christians. Knowing that in Christ all are one, whether Arab, Greek or Russian, you
Rejoiced in God, chanting:
Ikos 8
As a healer of souls and a peacemaker, whether in an established Temple, a storefront or a family’s living room, you gathered the people for prayer. Carrying on the apostolic ministry of reconciliation, uniting brother to brother, healing wounds, you established over them the banner of love. Wherefore, as to one who has shown himself to be a son of God, we joyfully chant to you these praises:
Rejoice, you who exhorted the people of God not to receive His grace in vain;
Rejoice, you who in all things approved yourself as a minister of God.
Rejoice, you who lived as unknown and yet well known;
Rejoice, you who, though dying, lived.
Rejoice, as sorrowful, always rejoicing;
Rejoice, as poor, you made many rich.
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Kontakion 9
Loving God above all, and being sent to serve Him among the least brethren, like an apostle you offered prayers day and night for their salvation. You raised up a holy Temple for the Orthodox Arabs, dedicating it to Holy Nicholas, Wonder-worker of Myra in Lycia. Now together with him in heaven you exclaim:
Ikos 9
It is impossible for the worldly-minded to comprehend your humility. For when you were presented with a pectoral cross in appreciation for your manifold labors, you objected, saying: "I am an unprofitable servant, having only done what was my duty. Can we servants of God and spiritual pastors expect anything in life except labor and grief?" In amazement at your self-abasement, with joy and wonder we cry to you thus:
Rejoice, you who were filled only with love for God and all men;
Rejoice, you whose eye was single.
Rejoice, you who came not to be served but to serve;
Rejoice, you who gave your life as a ransom for many.
Rejoice, Angel of spiritual comfort for those in tribulation;
Rejoice, Model of spiritual meekness.
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Kontakion 10
Desiring to save a multitude of people through your care, the All-merciful Lord chose you and appointed you to bear much fruit. Laboring abundantly, you traveled from city to city, from village to village, defending the Orthodox from the assaults of the enemy, teaching them to chant in Orthodox fashion:
Ikos 10
The love of your people for you and your love for them greatly impressed the holy hierarch Tikhon. He saw in you the image of a true shepherd – one who served not by compulsion, but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; one who was not a lord but a humble servant. Traveling to Russia, he forcefully entreated the Holy Synod to allow him to consecrate you as his Vicar Bishop. Bearing within you the abundant grace of the Holy Spirit, you were the first to be consecrated to the sacred episcopacy in the New World. Wherefore, grateful to God, we the faithful chant with joy to you:
Rejoice, O high priest of God Most High, who received divine grace in abundance at your consecration;
Rejoice, most luminous lamp, burning and shedding light.
Rejoice, you who have illumined the whole world with the rays of your virtues;
Rejoice, you who offered the divine Sacrifice at the throne of Christ.
Rejoice, hierarch adorned with the understanding of Orthodoxy;
Rejoice, you who gave drink to the faithful with the streams of the doctrine of salvation.
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Kontakion 11
Consecrated as a hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, with the blessing of the Patriarch and Holy Synod of Antioch, your ministry extended to all Orthodox Christians. As a self-proclaimed Syro-Arab by birth, Greek by education, American by residence, Russian at heart and Slav in soul, you ministered to all, teaching the Orthodox in the New World to proclaim with one voice:
Ikos 11
Your archpastoral burden weighed upon you; your omophorion was very heavy. Your flock was confused, surrounded by many false teachings. Possessing the spirit of understanding and of wisdom, you enlightened the minds of the deceived, proclaiming the Word, preaching in season and out of season, by exhortation and letter. We who are the recipients of your counsel and the beneficiaries of your wisdom cry out to you thus:
Rejoice, you who shared the ministry of the Apostles;
Rejoice, you who tended the flock according to the words of the Apostle Peter.
Rejoice, steadfast uprooter of heresy;
Rejoice, impartial observer of the canons of the Church.
Rejoice, destroyer of impious doctrines;
Rejoice, skillful helmsman of the Church.
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Kontakion 12
Knowing the grace of God which has been given to you, O most glorious hierarch Raphael, we who are weak and heavy-laden with the burden of our sins flee to you as our refuge and mighty defender. Pray fervently to the Lord that He will preserve His Holy Church from unbelief and schism, from danger and temptation, that we may chant to God who through you does good things for us:
Ikos 12
As a faithful servant of your Master, it was given to you to suffer at the end of your earthly life. Wherefore, as to a faithful servant who glorified Christ both in your life and in your death, to you who has received a glorious crown in heaven, we gather to offer these unworthy words of praise:
Rejoice, you who were overshadowed with divine power;
Rejoice, you who faultlessly preserved the True Faith.
Rejoice, you who revealed your righteousness in your Repose;
Rejoice, you who have received eternal rest in heaven with the saints.
Rejoice, great warrior of Orthodoxy;
Rejoice, invincible defender of piety.
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Kontakion 13 [3 times]
O most holy and most wonderful Father Raphael, look down from the heights of heaven upon your flock and accept this our present offering. Entreat the Lord God that He will pour out upon us His divine grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit, that we, being delivered from all enemies visible and invisible, may forever chant to Him with you and all the saints:
Ikos 1 Repeated
You began your life in exile, O holy Father Raphael. Child of pious Orthodox parents, successor to the holy hieromartyr Joseph, even in your mother’s womb you enjoyed no repose. Thus was your life of travel mystically foretold. You were chosen to bring the light of holy Orthodoxy to the scattered flock of Christ in the New World, who together with us honor you in these words of praise:
Rejoice, you who like your Master were born in a city not your own;
Rejoice, recipient of the name of the great Archangel.
Rejoice, you who said, "Man meant it to me for evil, but God for good;"
Rejoice, you who were anointed with the blood of the martyrs.
Rejoice, you who traversed the world in ministry to the faithful;
Rejoice, you who led all men to the worship of the Holy Trinity.
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Kontakion 1 Repeated
O holy Father, called from your native land to the distant shores of the New World, you took up your cross and followed after Christ. Wherefore, as to one who has crucified himself on behalf of his flock, as to our faithful guardian and protector, we fervently cry:
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America.
Prayer to St. Raphael of Brooklyn
Let us pray to our holy Father Raphael.
O holy hierarch Father Raphael, pray to God for us.
O wise and loving hierarch of the Church of Christ God, good shepherd of the lost sheep in America, sustenance for our souls, admonition for the lost, defense against foes, uniter of the Orthodox world, proclaimer of the truth, uplifter of the oppressed, guardian of the faith, father to orphans, protector of widows, friend of the poor, reconciler of foes, great light from Antioch, new Moses who led your people out of the wilderness into the Promised Land, new Elias who has placed within the holy Church a double portion of your spirit, new Ezra who built up the Temple of God, new Apostle of Christ our God, lover of the holy prayers and divine services, adornment of the holy Church, seeker of the lost, joy of all the Orthodox, son of Antioch, boast of America, O holy Father Raphael: Mercifully hear these supplications which are offered to you by your grateful children. O high priest of the Most High God, lift up your hands and bless us, O you who are thrice-blessed of the All-holy Trinity. O comforter of the oppressed who is a bearer of the heavenly King, the Comforter and Spirit of Truth, take us to your bosom and shelter us from all harm. O shepherd who is a servant of the Lamb and a sheep of His flock, take up your staff and guide us to secure and verdant pastures. O father who is a son and heir of the Unoriginate Father, lift up your arms and intercede with him that the Church may be preserved in tranquility; that her God-appointed hierarchs may be granted peace, safety, honor, health and length of days, rightly dividing the word of truth; that her priests may be clothed with righteousness; that her God-fearing monastics may shine forth as paradisaical lights upon the world; and that her Christ-loving people may be granted mercy, life, peace, health, salvation and visitation, pardon and forgiveness of sins. Pray to Him that we may be granted to live a peaceful life in this age, and to see the good things in the age which is to come, always glorifying the unoriginate Father, the only-begotten Son and the all-holy and good and life-giving Spirit, the consubstantial Trinity, unto ages of ages. Amen.
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