Akathist to the Mother of God of Perpetual Help Christianity. Orthodoxy. Catholicism. Sense of life. Prayers.
And if thy hand cause thee to stumble, cut it off: it is good for thee to enter into life maimed, rather than having thy two hands to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire.                where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.                And if thy foot cause thee to stumble, cut it off: it is good for thee to enter into life halt, rather than having thy two feet to be cast into hell, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.                And if thine eye cause thee to stumble, cast it out: it is good for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell;                where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.               
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Akathist to the Mother of God of Perpetual Help

Kondak 1

Glorious Queen and source of God's grace, we the faithful come before your famous icon, from which you continuously dispense your graces. Keep under your perpetual protection your spiritual children who have dedicated their lives to you and sing in your honor: Rejoice, O Full of Grace, our hope.

Ikos 1

O Full of Grace, many angels stand before your glorious throne and continuously sing: Rejoice! For they cannot otherwise exalt you nor admire your beauty. We who have gathered before your icon, raise our eyes to heaven and together with the angels say:

Rejoice O Full of Grace, the Lord is with you.
Rejoice O Source of heavenly treasures.
Rejoice O Star, shining over the whole earth.

Rejoice O Fountain of mercy, which can never be exhausted.
Rejoice O queen and Mother of God's elect
Rejoice O Land, flowing with honey which nourishes many.

Rejoice, O Foretold Tree, which covers us all with its shadow.
Rejoice, O Fruitful Olive Tree, fragrant like Lebanon.
Rejoice, for your hands, like those of Moses, are always raised to pray for us.

Rejoice, for you can obtain everything from God by your prayers.
Rejoice, O Hope of all generations.
Rejoice, O Cause of our joy.

Rejoice, O Full of Grace, our hope!

Kondak 2

A merchant of Crete knew of your icon, this precious jewel, for it was beautiful and famous for its miracles. He took it from the church, hid it in his vessel and set out for the sea. O Most Pure One, you are our most precious treasure, therefor we go through the sea of life toward a happy eternity, our heavenly City, singing: Alleluia!

Ikos 2

We see the wisdom of God's providence which is beyond our understanding. Immaculate Virgin, wishing to save your icon from the pagans, God transferred it to Rome, so that all nations could glorify it. He wished through your prayers, Mother of God, to dispense bountiful graces and show mercy to his people, for by touching it as if it were the biblical Ark, we find not death, but life. Mother of God, you are truly a spiritual Ark for you carried in your hands not the tablets of the covenant nor the staff budded forth or the golden urn, but Christ, the unfading Flower and Lawmaker. Pray to Him for those who sing to you:

Rejoice O Sacred Ark of the New Testament.
Rejoice O reliable Weapon, for you overcome the enemy armies.
Rejoice O Leader through the desert of life.

Rejoice O Jesse's Tree on which a divine Flower has blossomed.
Rejoice O Fruiteful Vine whose seed grows up on the stones of indifference.
Rejoice for the spirit of counsel and fortitude has rested upon you.

Rejoice O Tablet of God's mercy.
Rejoice O Manna, sweeter than honey.
Rejoice O Lampstand of seven branches that enlightens all.

Rejoice O Model created in the image of the uncreated reflection of the Father
Rejoice O Life-giving Ray of eternal life.
Rejoice O Holy Unshakeable Throne of Christ the King

Rejoice, O Full of Grace, our hope!

Kondak 3

Mother of God, the power of the Most High God manifests itself in every place where your precious icon is devoutly honored. Here the sick regain their health, the suffering receive comfort, and those who dwell in darkness obtain the spiritual sight of the soul and body for you attract all with your goodness that you may lead them to your heart and thus turn them toward Christ, the never-setting Sun, when they sing: Alleluia!

Ikos 3

Mother of God, we have a precious jewel, your icon which came to us from the East. We bow before you as before a bright star and announcer of God's day for where you appear, salvation comes to those who sing to you:

Rejoice, O Unguarded Gate of paradise.
Rejoice, O Unlocked Treasure, from which all can profit.
Rejoice O Source of the living Water, ever-streaming.

Rejoice O Dew which falls upon the mount of Zion.
Rejoice O Sweet Potion for thirsty souls.
Rejoice for you gave the bread of fortitude to the hungry which strengthens people.

Rejoice O strong Bulwark Wall of God's city which embraces the whole world.
Rejoice O House of the Lord which is built on a hill-top.
Rejoice O Fruitful Hill upon which God made His Home.

Rejoice O Altar of Christ the King
Rejoice O Chamber of glory which never fades away

Rejoice, O Full of Grace, our Hope!

Kondak 4

The remorse of conscience tortured the merchant of Crete when he found himself on his deathbed, until he had repented and commissioned his friend to return your icon to a church. Then he placed himself under your protection and with your help completed his earthly life and reached the peaceful, eternal haven, singing: Alleluia!

Ikos 4

Hearing about the great miracle by which you moved the heart of the unrepenting merchant, the people came with their bishops and priests, and carrying countless candles took your icon to the church, singing:

Rejoice O Mary, our Gracious Queen.
Rejoice O Holy and merciful Mother of God.
Rejoice O Virgin of all virgins the most illustrious.

Rejoice O enclosed Garden of the Lord.
Rejoice O Sealed Fountain of God
Rejoice O Well of the Living Water.

Rejoice O Fragrant Lily filling all with its aroma.
Rejoice O Most beautiful Chosen One of God.
Rejoice O Holy of the Holiest, filled with Divine Glory.

Rejoice for you are the glory and charm of all generations.
Rejoice, O Full of Grace, our hope!

Kondak 5

When you saw the blood and spear which was to pierce the Heart of your Son as well as the gall and the Cross in the hands of the angels, you noticed in the wondrous vision that He would be the hope of all nations. Thus your soul was stricken by a deadly fear. Embracing Your Child, you wept bitterly saying: How can I offer you in sacrifice, my Son, who are so comely and the most beautiful of all the sons of men? How can I go through all your sufferings, O my gracious Light? How will I heal the wounds of my soul that your wounds will inflict upon it? For the sake of the salvation of the world, however, do whatever you wish with your handmaid who sings: Alleluia!

Ikos 5

All-suffering Mother, all the countries of the earth have seen your compassion toward your Son who is represented on this icon. They looked at it and wondered that you delivered as a ransom your Christ Who is beyond all price so that you may deliver your spiritual children from the slavery of hell. With what hymn of praise may I sing about your love? How may I exalt your greatness in your sufferings? Which fragrant spiritual flowers may I place on your painful path? Wherefore as a child I will only sing to you:

Rejoice O Queen and Mother.
Rejoice O Immaculate Eve.
Rejoice O loving Mother whose love is beyond expression and destruction.

Rejoice O Treasure of my heart.
Rejoice O Sweetness of my soul.
Rejoice for in your painful sufferings you gave us spiritual birth at the Cross.

Rejoice because you sacrificed everything for the sake of your spiritual children.
Rejoice for you accepted the Cross during the angelic visitation.
Rejoice for you were the first to drink from the bitter chalice of Christ throughout your whole life.

Rejoice O Rachel of the New Testament for you are weeping for your children killed by the hellish enemy (Satan).
Rejoice O Fiery Love which could not be extinguished even by the greatest of sufferings.
Rejoice O Full of Grace, our hope.

Kondak 6

Most Holy Mother of God, you have chosen for yourself the divinely inspired Preachers of Redemption to guard your icon. Following in the footsteps of their founder, Alphonsus, they preach your greatness throughout the whole world, teaching everyone to glorify you as a mediatrix of grace and through you they exalt God, exclaiming: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Your miraculous icon shines throughout the whole world and is honored everywhere, gathering your children, dispersed throughout the world, brothers and sisters divided among themselves, so that, like so many shining stars, they may enter the kingdom of Christ and sing:

Rejoice O Leader of those who wander in darkness.
Rejoice O Deliverer of those whom darkness has imprisoned.
Rejoice O Woman custodian of Christ's Vineyard.

Rejoice of all women the most beautiful, for you are the guardian of the fold of your Son.
Rejoice O Queen sitting at the right hand of your Son and Lord.
Rejoice O Lady vested in a golden robe and adorned with divine beauty.

Rejoice for you are glorified from generation to generation.
Rejoice O Tree of Life always fruitful and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice O Morning Star, announcing the Sun
Rejoice O Full of Grace, our hope.

Kondak 7

Wishing to save the whole world, He that became Mediator for all chose you as His suffering companion and intercessor for our salvation. He left everything to you during His Passion on the Cross and made you the Mother of us all who believe in Him and glorify Him, saying: Alleluia!

Ikos 7

God's wisdom planted the Church as a new garden for itself, and made it a source of the living water. You came forth from it and now you water with grace the whole earth, O Full of Grace. The luxuriant spiritual vineyards grow, the flowers of piety blossom, the lilies of virginity and the myrrh of martyrdom flourish. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, they all sing to you:

Rejoice resplendent, life-creating Flower.
Rejoice for you transform the desert-like hearts into magnificent gardens.
Rejoice O Virgin Field for you nurture the flowers of chastity.

Rejoice O Vine of Christ's Vineyard which yields clusters of martyrs.
Rejoice O Water of Siloam which cures the blind of heart.
Rejoice for you purify the offerings soiled by the passions.

Rejoice O Pool and wash me like a lamb destined for sacrifice.
Rejoice O Dove which announces the New Earth.
Rejoice O Rainbow which reminds us of the eternal covenant.

Rejoice O New Testament Ruth for you collect the abandoned ears of corn.
Rejoice O Tree whose leaves cure all nations.
Rejoice O Gate of the new Jerusalem which is open day and night.
Rejoice O Full of Grace, our hope!

Kondak 8

It is a wondrous mystery, beyond our understanding, O Lord, our God, how can you, O God, do what a creature, your most Blessed Mother, wills of You? You have, however, made known your will to her in such a way that she may ask only for things that agree with Your Will, lead all on the path of your Commandments, and distribute our gifts according to your providence to those who sing: Alleluia!

Ikos 8

Most blessed Virgin Mary, you can do everything both in heaven and on earth. You can convert sinners and heal the sick. Being a handmaid of the Lord, you humbled yourself more than anyone else, but with your prayers you surpass all angelic Powers and Dominions. You have so wounded with love the Heart of your Son that He can never refuse your petitions. Thus our eyes are always turned to you, O Queen Mother, till you bestow your abundant graces on us who sing to you:

Rejoice O Virgin that prays unceasingly for us.
Rejoice O Altar upon which the incense is always burning.
Rejoice O Resplendent Crown of Christ's Church.

Rejoice O Chalice of Heavenly Joy.
Rejoice O Holy Mountain from which God speaks to His people.
Rejoice O Table of Divine Sweetness.

Rejoice O Garden of the Flowerbeds of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice for with your word you united heaven and earth in Christ.
Rejoice for a new creation appeared through your prayers.

Rejoice O Fountain of mercy for poor sinners.
Rejoice for you helped the repentant sinners to reach the thrones of the Seraphim.
Rejoice for you have made holy the whole world with your mercy.

Rejoice O Full of Grace, our hope!

Kondak 9

O ever-praised One, all nations waited for you, because you were promised since time immemorial. You were destined to become the Immaculate Mother of the Savior, the beginning and source of all miracles. When you finally appeared, the people of God rejoiced, singing: Alleluia!

Ikos 9

Even the most eloquent orators are unable to praise you duly for the miracles you perform for your servants that come before you icon. Everyone - the poor, the suffering and the forsaken - knows that though a mother may forsake her own children, you, O ever-gracious, will never forget your spiritual children who cry out to you:

Rejoice O loving Mother of orphans.
Rejoice O Gracious Refuse for those who cannot find shelter.
Rejoice O brilliant Light which helps the blind regain their sight.

Rejoice O Holy Oil which heals the wounds of hearts.
Rejoice O Hope of despairing sinners.
Rejoice for you calm the worried.

Rejoice O Mother of our Benefactor Christ, for you enrich us with all kinds of gifts.
Rejoice for your hands always bless and heal people.
Rejoice O Queen who reigns by goodness, not by violence.

Rejoice for you resemble the wind of paradise which dries the tears of the people.
Rejoice for you fill all with heavenly joy.
Rejoice, O Full of Grace, our hope!

Kondak 10

O Good Lord, as once you gave a rainbow to your servants, so now you present the icon of Your Mother to those who perish in the desert of life. If we come to it with confidence, we will receive the miraculous potion of your abundant mercy, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Good Lady, in you we find an immovable Wall and a true Tower of defence for all, whom God made capable of a strenuous fight against the prince of darkness, Satan. Vested in breastplates of faith, they courageously resist the attacks of your enemies, signing the victorious hymn:

Rejoice O Strong Woman who resembles the regiments ready for battle.
Rejoice O Woman that crushed the serpent's head.
Rejoice for you inspired courage in Christ's Army.

Rejoice O Sacred Key that guards the temple of priestly holiness.
Rejoice O Helper and Leader of the pastors of souls.
Rejoice O Strength of those who suffer for the Christian faith.

Rejoice O Secure Shelter from violent temptations.
Rejoice Who strengthens kingdoms and nations.
Rejoice O Chosen Captain who delivers your people from foreign violence.

Rejoice O Defender of the helpless
Rejoice, O Full of Grace, our hope!

Kondak 11

With love we will sing the hymn first sung by the Archangel, when he announced the coming of Emmanuel and brought joy to the world, for with it we overcome our enemies and secure your perpetual help and heavenly joy, for because of you God dwells with us. This is why we exclaim: Alleluia!

Ikos 11

Gracious, Never-setting Sun of my poor soul in this vale of tears, where labors, sufferings, struggles against the passions, attacks and ambushes of the infernal enemies endeavor to destroy my soul! Now will I complete my difficult journey if you do not strengthen me with your prayers and perpetual help and do not enlighten me who exclaims to you:

Rejoice O Gracious Light of those who have blinded themselves by their sins.
Rejoice O Star leading to the sovereign King, Christ.
Rejoice O Cloudy Pillar in the desert of life.

Rejoice O Dew of my thirsty soul.
Rejoice O Calm Haven among stormy passions.
Rejoice O Leader on the journey of life.

Rejoice O Healer of wounds, inflicted by life.
Rejoice for you enlighten the desperate with your graces.
Rejoice for you have broken my sinful chains.

Rejoice O Full of Grace, our hope.

Kondak 12

My ever-praised Queen, obtain for me the grace to keep my soul pure all my life, for Christ has washed it with his blood. I entrust my salvation to you and therefore I firmly hope that you will be my lighted lamp at the frightful moment of my battle before death and that you will meet me with a lighted candle to light the last steps of my journey and lead me to God, the joy of my youthful years. My soul will will eternally rejoice in heaven and exalt you forever with festive hymns, singing: Alleluia!

Ikos 12

Singing and constantly glorifying you with indescribable hymns, the Cherubim and the Seraphim, together with the countless angels and saints who are all ages are rejoicing in heaven offer you as so many wreaths the prayers of your servants who ask for your help from all over the world. They watch your face, shining like the sun, and wait only for your command to help and save all those who sing to you:

Rejoice O prayerful Lady of the world.
Rejoice O Shining Sun which enlightens the heaves and the universe.
Rejoice O Head of the Cherubim.

Rejoice O Mysterious Treasure of God's Providence.
Rejoice O Instrument of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice O Head of all creation, humbled at first and now exalted above the Seraphim.

Rejoice O Handmaid of the Lord who always does the Will of God
Rejoice of Full of Grace, our hope!

Kondak 13

O Mother of the whole world, worthy of all praise! You begot Christ in our souls. Accept from us, your spiritual children, this earnest prayer and keep in the love for your Son all of us who have submitted to the Will of God. Lead us to everlasting glory in heaven as we sing in your honor: Alleluia!

Prayer to the Mother of Perpetual Help

Most pure Mother of God, Immaculate Virgin, Queen of the World, Intercessor of Christians, refuse and hope of sinners, I, the most miserable of all, kneel before your icon. I humbly bow to you, O my ever-praised Queen, and wholeheartedly thank you for all the graces which you have so abundantly bestowed on me. But most of all, I thank you for saving me from the infernal tortures which I have so many times deserved.

I love you, O my Queen, and for the sake of this love I promise to serve you forever and do whatever I can that others may also serve, honor and love you. O Merciful Mother, after God you are my hope and cause of my salvation. Accept me, your servant, under your mighty Protection.

You can obtain everything from God. Pray to Him to deliver me from all temptations and dangers or at least help me to overcome them. Obtain also for me the virtues of a strong faith, firm hope and true, unhypocritical love. Be with me especially at the last moment of my earthly life.

My gracious Lady, it is not through my prayers, but rather through your love for God that I implore you. Do not forsake me until you see me in heaven where I will forever praise and thank you in the Kingdom of Your Son, to whom, together with His Eternal Father and the Holy, Good and Life-creating Spirit, belong all glory, honor and adoration, now and always and forever. Amen.

Source: http://saintjohnwonderworker.org/

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