O Lord God of our salvation, Son of the living God, Who art upborne by the cherubim and art infinitely more exalted than all the principalities and virtues, powers and dominions: Thou art great and fillest all around Thee with dread; Thou art He that set heaven like a chamber; Thou art He that created the earth in Thy might and hast ordered the universe in Thy wisdom, Who hast shaken the nethermost parts of the earth from their foundations and made its pillars immovable, Who speakest to the sun, and it shineth not; Who sealest the stars; Who forbiddest the sea, and driest it up; Whose wrath melteth the principalities and virtues; by Whose power the rocks are ground to powder! Thou didst break down the gates of bronze, and the gates of iron didst Thou destroy; Thou didst bind mighty [Satan] and didst shatter his vessels; by Thy Cross didst Thou cast down the tyrant [of hell], didst draw forth the serpent with the hook of Thine incarnation and, having set him in Tartarus, didst bind him with bonds of darkness. Therefore, O Lord, Thou confirmation of them that place their hope on Thee, mighty rampart of them that trust in Thee: drive away, put to flight and cause to depart every machination of the devil and every satanic assault, every attack of the adversary and oppressive power, from this roof and from them that are sheltered thereby and walk about beneath it, who bear the sign of the victory of Thy Cross, which terrifieth the demons, and who call upon Thy good name. Yea, O Lord, Who expelled a legion of demons and commanded the deaf and dumb demon and the unclean possessing spirit to depart from man and to leave, never to return; Who destroyest all the array of our invisible foes, Who hast made wise the faithful who know Thee, [saying]: Behold, I give you power to tred on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: do Thou Thyself, O Master, Who art beyond all harm and temptation, preserve all who are in this habitation, delivering them from terror by night and the arrow that flieth by day, from the thing that walketh in darkness, from the mishap and demon of noonday; that Thy servants, handmaids and children, who enjoy Thine aid, may all, in oneness of mind, faithfully chant as with one voice: the Lord is my helper and I will not fear what man shall do unto me; and again: I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.
For Thou, O God, art my confirmation, the mighty Lord, the prince of peace, the Father of the age to come, and Thy kingdom is eternal; and Thine alone is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
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