O Lord, Who did send down Your Most Holy Spirit upon Your Apostles at the third hour and changed the simple fishermen into 'fishers of men', so now we ask of You to help us consciously recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the lives of our parishes and our diocese. May our lives continue to be worthy Temples of the Holy Spirit. May we be mindful of the continuous Pentecost, the constant outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us, our families, our parishes and our diocese. May we do nothing to grieve the Holy Spirit, but may our lives be acceptable to Him Who will bring us to the knowledge of Truth, the knowledge of Your Son and our God. O God, look down graciously upon us from Your holy dwelling place and pour forth your abundant mercies and blessings upon our Diocesan Parishes which You have raised for the honor and glory of Your all-holy Name. As your Most Holy Son walked here on earth so let Him ever be present in our parishes and may all of us find Him walking in our midst. As You sent Your Most Holy Spirit upon Your Apostles at the Feast of Pentecost, so we continue to implore and beg of You take not Your Holy Spirit from us, but renew Him in us who pray to You. For You are the Giver and the Herald of the Way of our salvation, now and ever and forever. Amen.
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