The Imitation Of Christ - Audiobook Christianity - Books
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you                Pray without ceasing                For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you                And we know and have believed the love which God hath in us. God is love; and he that abideth in love abideth in God, and God abideth in him                Through many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom of God                Verily I say unto you, Except ye turn, and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven                Verily I say unto you, It is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven                It is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God               
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The Imitation Of Christ - Audiobook

Contents (.mp3)

Contents (.ogg)

This audio reading of The Imitation of Christ is read by David Barnes

Book 1 - Chapters 01 to 10 - 00:25:24 (mp3 - 12,2 Mb)

Book 1 - Chapters 11 to 20 - 00:42:04 (mp3 - 20,2 Mb)

Book 1 - Chapters 21 to 25 - 00:37:41 (mp3 - 18 Mb)

Book 2 - Chapters 01 to 10 - 00:45:14 (mp3 - 21,7 Mb)

Book 2 - Chapters 11 to 12 - 00:20:00 (mp3 - 9,6 Mb)

Book 3 - Chapters 01 to 10 - 00:47:57 (mp3 - 23 Mb)

Book 3 - Chapters 11 to 20 - 00:36:55 (mp3 - 17,7 Mb)

Book 3 - Chapters 21 to 30 - 00:42:57 (mp3 - 20,6 Mb)

Book 3 - Chapters 31 to 40 - 00:34:37 (mp3 - 16,6 Mb)

Book 3 - Chapters 41 to 50 - 00:47:08 (mp3 - 22,6 Mb)

Book 3 - Chapters 51 to 59 - 00:47:44 (mp3 - 22,9 Mb)

Book 4 - Chapters 01 to 10 - 00:57:42 (mp3 - 27,7 Mb)

Book 4 - Chapters 11 to 18 - 00:36:40 (mp3 - 17,6 Mb)

This audio reading of The Imitation of Christ is read by David Barnes

Book 1 - Chapters 01 to 10 - 00:25:24 (ogg - 5,8 Mb)

Book 1 - Chapters 11 to 20 - 00:42:04 (ogg - 9,6 Mb)

Book 1 - Chapters 21 to 25 - 00:37:41 (ogg - 8,7 Mb)

Book 2 - Chapters 01 to 10 - 00:45:14 (ogg - 10,5 Mb)

Book 2 - Chapters 11 to 12 - 00:20:00 (ogg - 4,7 Mb)

Book 3 - Chapters 01 to 10 - 00:47:57 (ogg - 11,4 Mb)

Book 3 - Chapters 11 to 20 - 00:36:55 (ogg - 8,7 Mb)

Book 3 - Chapters 21 to 30 - 00:42:57 (ogg - 10,3 Mb)

Book 3 - Chapters 31 to 40 - 00:34:37 (ogg - 8,3 Mb)

Book 3 - Chapters 41 to 50 - 00:47:08 (ogg - 11,3 Mb)

Book 3 - Chapters 51 to 59 - 00:47:44 (ogg - 11,5 Mb)

Book 4 - Chapters 01 to 10 - 00:57:42 (ogg - 13,8 Mb)

Book 4 - Chapters 11 to 18 - 00:36:40 (ogg - 8,8 Mb)


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[ Content "The Imitation Of Christ" (2) ]


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