According to one tradition, this icon was painted by Saint Luke the Evangelist.
It was formerly situated in the famous Church of Blachernae in Constantinople.
In 1383, it appeared upon the waters of Lake Ladoga, whence it travelled
miraculously through the air to the city of Tikhvin; there, it remained
by the River Tikhvinka, and a monastery was built to shelter the icon.
In 1613-14 this monastery miraculously withstood the many attacks of
the Swedish invaders. In the early twentieth century it was brought
to America and was returned to Russia in 2004. The holy icon is renowned
for a great many miracles wrought through it by the all-holy Mother
of God, especially for the healing of children.
Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone:
Today thy most venerable icon, O Lady, hath shone in Heaven upon us like a
most brilliant sun, enlightening the world with rays of mercy, which great
Russia and America received from on high most reverently as a divine gift,
and they glorify thee, O Mother of God, as the Queen of all, and joyfully
magnify Christ our God Who was born of thee. Pray to Christ, O our Lady and
Queen, O Theotokos, that He keep all Christians unharmed by all assaults
of the enemy, and that He save them that venerate His divine image and thy
pure icon with faith, O Virgin who knewest not wedlock.
Kontakion in the
Plagal of the Fourth Tone:
Let us run, O ye peoples, to the Virgin Queen, the Theotokos, thanking Christ
our God; and gazing tenderly at her miraculous icon, let us fall down and cry
to her: O Lady Mary, having visited this land by the wonderous appearance of
thy venerable icon, keep all Christians in peace and prosperity, and make them
heirs of the heavenly life; for to thee we cry with faith: Rejoice, O Virgin,
salvation of the world.
Source: http://www.goarch.org
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