The Testimony of Gloria Polo - The Sixth Commandment: Adultery Christianity - Books
And if thy hand cause thee to stumble, cut it off: it is good for thee to enter into life maimed, rather than having thy two hands to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire.                where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.                And if thy foot cause thee to stumble, cut it off: it is good for thee to enter into life halt, rather than having thy two feet to be cast into hell, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.                And if thine eye cause thee to stumble, cast it out: it is good for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell;                where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.               
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The Sixth Commandment: Adultery

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On this commandment I thought, still full of pride: here they will not catch me in fault, because I never had a lover, I was always faithful!

As a matter of fact, after matrimony, I never even gave a kiss to others, only to my husband. But the Lord showed me that I exhibited too much of my body, when I went around with my breasts exposed, with the skintight stockings, with the cloths that I used… I thought that men looked at me, simply to admire me… But the Lord showed me how they sinned with me: because we are not dealing with admiration, as I believed, but with provocation, and they were provoked due to me. I committed adultery, for having exhibited my body. I did not understand the male sensibility. I believed that they thought like me, that looking at me they would say: “What a nice body!” Instead they sinned due to my fault. Never was I unfaithful for having thrown myself into the arms of a man, but it was as if I was a prostitute in spirit. More than everything, I thought to vindicate myself, if my husband might had been unfaithful to me, and I counseled other women to do so, when they discovered that the husband had betrayed them. “Do not be a fool! Vindicate yourself, do not forgive. Show your worth! It is for this that we women are so put down by men, so trampled on!” You know, with these counsels, I and my girlfriends succeeded in separating one of our girlfriends. She had surprised the husband in the office while he was kissing the secretary. We, with our counsels, did not let her reconcile, even though he asked her for pardon, truly repentant. She even wanted to forgive, because she loved him: but we did not permit forgiveness to him. In the end they got divorced, and two years later she got married civilly, with an argentine. Do you understand? When I counseled in this way, I was inside an adulterer. Jesus showed me, and I saw well, how sins of the flesh are abominable, because the person condemns himself, even if the world affirms that all is well.

In all my life I had only one man, my husband; but the sins are also in the thoughts, in the words, in the actions: it was very sad to see how the sin and the adultery of my father did so much harm to us. In my case, it transformed me into a resentful person; I sunk into rancor against men, while my brothers became faithful copies of my father. Do they think to be happy in feeling themselves very masculine? They are womanizers, they drink, and they do not realize the evil that they do to their own children. For this my father was crying with great suffering, in Purgatory, seeing the consequences of his sin and of his example that he gave them.

We condemn ourselves, with promiscuity, because it is to live as if we were animals: mice, dogs… here and there…

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Deutsch: Gloria Polo. Der Blitz hat eingeschlagen.

Polski: Orędzie Glorii Polo.

Slovenská: Svedectvo pani dr. Glorie Polo.

Українська: Глорія Поло. Вражена блискавкою.

Русский: Глория Поло. Свидетельство. (перевод с немецкого)
Русский: Глория Поло. Поражённая молнией. (перевод с польского)


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